Our fruit varieties
Early maturityt white flesh peach, early maturity with highly selected qualities.
Regularly productive despite its early flowering time.
Very good firmness and post harvest behaviour.
Breeder : Zaiger Genetics
License manager : International Plant Selection
Port : semi spreading
Vigour : strong
Areas of development : all
Flowering time : early
Maturity : -7j Nabby®
Size : A/2A
Organoleptic qualities : balanced
Organoleptic qualities : excellente, équilibrée
Shape : spherique, légèrement aplatie avec une cuvette au sommet
Brix : 11
Fruit skin colour : rintense and shiny very attractive dark red, with a cream coloured background. Little fuzz.
Flesh colour : tender and juicy
Medium sized core, semi clingstone
Yield potential : 30T/Ha
A light pruning after harvest is very beneficial